Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Using Deep Learning

Posted by: Prof. R. Kavitha

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Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Using Deep Learning was established in 2013 to provide caregivers and those who have the disease with a forum to discuss their enthusiasm for reform and treatment for the illness, according to the team. We are committed to providing support, education, and advocacy for anyone whose lives have been impacted by dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.


The Mysterious Origins

The precise etiology of Alzheimer’s disease is among its deepest mysteries. The precise causes of this neurodegenerative condition have not been identified, despite much research and advances in neuroscience. While genetics may occasionally influence, other elements like environmental triggers and lifestyle decisions may also be involved. For preventive and early intervention, it is critical to discover the causes of the disease. Alzheimer’s disease risk can be predicted using deep learning algorithms. These models analyze a combination of clinical, genetic, and lifestyle data to predict an individual’s future risk of contracting the disease.





  1. loss of memory, particularly for recent occurrences.
  2. difficulty with planning or problem-solving.
  3. uncertain of the time or location.
  4. difficulty executing routine chores.
  5. losing things.
  6. lower level of judgment.


Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease


Description of deep learning



Being a strong foe, Alzheimer’s disease affects not only those who have been diagnosed but also their families and caretakers. Even though there is no known cure, research into the causes and therapies for Alzheimer’s is moving forward quickly. Future prospects are brightened by developments in early detection, precision medication, and caregiver assistance. It is crucial to continue helping people with Alzheimer’s and the people who care about them on their difficult path up until a cure is discovered. To solve the riddles of this deadly disease, the scientific community must work together, raise awareness, and support further study. One of the main causes of death, particularly in affluent nations, is AD. Given how difficult it is to identify AD in clinics early on, using computer-based solutions in conjunction with medical professionals has much to offer regarding early identification. Deep learning has garnered much interest for this purpose in recent years.








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