Going Green-Emphasizing the need of Moving from Fuel Vehicles to Electric Vehicles

Posted by: Dr. P. Swathypriyadharsini

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Going Green-Emphasizing the need of Moving from Fuel Vehicles to Electric Vehicles

In a rising generation that is obvious by sharpened material knowledge, mechanics innovation, and global adherence to battle against the change, the imperative to change from hydrocarbon deposit-stimulate vehicles to Electric Vehicles (EVs) has never existed more critical. The popular conventional form of a combustion engine which is fed by fuel and gas has an impact on environmental challenges, containing air pollution, hothouse gas emissions, and the reduction of finite natural resources. As the globe grapples with the results of surrounding change, there exists an urgent need for a shift in our approach to transportation.

Electric Vehicles, powered by clean and tenable strength beginnings, emerge as an irresistible resolution to the environmental, economic, and geopolitical issues associated with fossil fuels. This change shows not merely a concerning detail progress but a critical step toward a more sustainable and better future. In this relation, investigating the multifaceted reasons that underline the need for energetic vehicles over fossil fuels is essential.

As pollution is one of the major concerns in a green environment, electric vehicles are a good aid. According to the research, electric vehicles are much better for the green environment holding a huge number of benefits.

On the other hand, the energy vehicle also emits dangerous gases similar to carbon which is caused as a result of petrol or diesel. Still, electric vehicles emit fewer hothouse gases and lead to lower air pollution than petrol or diesel vehicles. For a comparison between EV and energy vehicles, there’s seen an extending interest in moving with electric vehicles.


Benefits of Electric Vehicles

  1. Less Operating Cost

The operating cost of an electric vehicle is much less than an original petrol or diesel vehicle. Electric vehicles use electricity to charge their batteries rather than using fossil energies like petrol or diesel. Electric vehicles are more cost effective that is the battery required for a trip costs much less than the Petrol or diesel required for the same travel. Using renewable energy sources can make the use of electric vehicles more eco-friendly. The electricity cost can be reduced further if charging is done with the help of renewable energy sources installed at home, similar to solar panels.

  1. Reduced Maintenance Cost

Since there are no vehicle parts that are moving regularly as in internal combustion vehicles, electric vehicles have usually very little maintenance. The servicing requirements for electric vehicles are much lesser than the conventional petrol or diesel vehicles. Therefore, the yearly cost of running an electric vehicle becomes significantly low.

  1. Benefits on Tax

Many governments around the world are offering incentives and rebates to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. These incentives can include tax credits, reduced registration fees, and other financial perks, making electric vehicles more attractive to consumers.


Classification of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles can be broadly classified into five types based on their engine technology and operating settings.

  1. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)

Rechargeable batteries are the main source for BEVs, which are electric motorcars. They don’t have a backup creator or a petrol engine. Due to their lack of exhaust emissions, BEVs are regarded as the most ecologically salutary form of electric auto. Still, they’ve a constrained driving range because the battery must be recharged.

  1. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)

HEVs are electric buses with petrol engines and electric motors. An electric motor propels the auto at low power during acceleration. The petrol engine takes over at high speed which requires high power. Because HEVs use regenerative retardation to recharge their batteries, they don’t bear plugging in. Although they use lower energy than conventional petrol autos, they’ve some exhaust emissions.

  1. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) with bigger batteries that can be recharged by just inserting a charging cable into an external electric power source in addition to internally by their board internal combustion machine-powered creator are called plug-in hybrid electric vehicles ( PHEVs). They have a finite range of operations on electric power before switching to the petrol machine. PHEVs give the ease of diurnal driving without a draw while allowing for electricity operation or on short peregrinations.

  1. Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs)

FCEVs react hydrogen gas with oxygen in the air to create power. Without a battery, their sole waste is water vapor. Although FCEVs can be refueled in a few minutes and have a greater driving range than BEVs, however, it lacks hydrogen refueling infrastructure.

  1. Extended Range Electric Vehicles (ER-EVs)

This is a type of electric vehicle that merges the features of a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) and a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). ER- EVs have a larger battery pack than PHEVs, which allows them to travel longer distances on electric power alone. Still, once the battery is depleted, a small gasoline machine generates electricity to power the electric motor and extend the vehicle’s range.



Finally, to conclude, implementing electric vehicles involves some challenges like high upfront costs, bounded driving range, scarcity in charging facilities, and public discernment. Nevertheless, these challenges can be addressed through government policies, private sector investment, and creating awareness on switching over to electric vehicles in concern with green environment, developing new business models that support electric vehicle use, investing more in creating charging infrastructure, upgrading battery technology and charging speeds. Prostrating these challenges can accelerate the transition to a sustainable transportation system and alleviate climate change impacts.



  1. https://www.bitsathy.ac.in/potential-solutions-to-adopt-electric-vehicles-in-india/
  2. https://bolt.earth/blog/future-electric-vehicles-india


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