- Field of research:
The Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration Lab concentrates on drug delivery, tissue graft
engineering, organ-on-a-chip devices, therapeutic angiogenesis, and regenerative medicine. Smart
biomaterials and nanomaterials are synthesized, crafting innovative biopolymer-based smart
materials for biomedical use. Furthermore, we are involved in the production and
characterization of biomaterials, as well as research into biopolymers.
- Research focus:
Our major research areas and projects focus on the development of Transdermal patches for
Diabetic foot ulcers, Drug loaded bio-sutures that can be used in medical applications, Ocular
lenses for diabetic retinopathy, Injectable hydrogels for arthritis, Implantable scaffolds in
brain hematoma. Our team is also working on Intelligent packaging material – bioplastic, Smart
material – Filters for the removal of industrial dyes and purification of sewage water,
Bioleathers, and Fireproof and bulletproof materials. We intend to incorporate a
multidisciplinary approach to solve real-time societal problems.