Generative AI will disrupt IT industry

Posted by: Prof. D. Ragunath

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Generative AI will disrupt IT industry

NTT DATA is a global  IT and business services innovation headquartered in Japan, focused on emerging technologies such as metadata and quantum computing. NTT DATA digital chief Tanvir Khan, in an interaction with TNIE, said that AI products will disrupt the IT services industry, just as it revolutionized the industry 20 years ago.


Many companies are now focusing on generative AI. How are you looking at its future?

We’ve been working on AI for over 10 years, and for the last two years, we’ve been working primarily on generative AI, and large-scale language models. The way we look at generative AI is that it will have a very disruptive impact on the industry, much like offshore outsourcing did about 20 years ago. This will fundamentally change the industry. Generative AI takes a huge amount of work to create content because it can create and write web content, but most importantly, it can write software.


Are you developing a governance structure for generative AI?

Many companies, including us, are working hard to develop a management model generative AI that essentially requires three elements. The first is information security, the second is privacy, and the third is compliance. You truly learn when you interact with ChatGPT. You are revealing some private information that is too important to be made public.

For example, when people ask ChatGPT to rewrite an application, they make the proposal public. We are building our productive corporate architecture. We work closely with Microsoft Azure Open AI. The second is that you can change the basic structure and then have central control, which is important for data security, privacy security, and compliance with the law. We have six global innovation centers dedicated to new technologies, working on metadatabases, quantum computing, digital humans (humanized versions of chatbots), and digital twins (digital representations of physical objects, people, or processes) to help companies simulate real-life measurements of events, and their consequences).


The first is information security, the second is privacy, and the third is compliance. When you interact with ChatGPT, you are training it. And you end up putting some private information that will essentially become public.

For example, when people ask ChatGPT to rewrite a proposal, they are putting proposals in the public domain. We are developing our generative enterprise architecture. We work very closely with Microsoft Azure Open AI

You are one of the big players in data centers. Are you planning to increase your capacity in India?

NTT is the world’s third largest data center infrastructure provider and looking at India, we want to increase our capacity from 144 MW to 350 MW in two years.


How to Prepare for Generative AI

Creativity is always an important prerequisite for a company’s innovation and even competitiveness. Until recently, creativity was a human passion. But as we explained, this is a change that is all about the emergence of smart energy production. Therefore, to prepare, we must understand the threats and the problems that come with them. When we understand what will change and how we can plan a future where the creative industry will work on human-machine collaboration.


Prepare for disruption, and not only to your job

Generative AI may be the biggest change in the value model of knowledge production since the invention of the printing press in 1439. The following centuries were marked by rapid changes, political conflicts, and economic disruptions in many industries;     Information and knowledge were very scarce. We are at the beginning of a productive intelligence revolution. Therefore, we expect that there will be more changes in   the  future than in the recent past


Invest in your ontology

Coding, digitizing, and organizing information you create will be of significant value in the coming years. Generative AI and large language models enable learning and innovation by enabling knowledge and skills to spread more easily across teams and businesses.


Get comfortable talking to AI

As AI becomes a partner in intellectual endeavors, it will increasingly augment the effectiveness and creativity of our human intelligence. Knowledge workers therefore will need to learn how to best prompt the machine with instructions to perform their work. Get started today, experimenting with generative AI tools to develop skills in prompt engineering; a prerequisite skill for creative workers in the decade to come.

ChatGPT is not the only AI tool that seems to do certain creative tasks better and faster than humans. DALLE, also from OpenAI, provides images. If you want a photo of a cat playing with its phone on a plane, DALL-E will give you a second.



The adoption of AI in healthcare will bring many benefits to consumers. First, all healthcare businesses are focused on collecting accurate and relevant information about patients and care recipients. This makes AI ideal for the data-rich world of healthcare. Second, AI can find many applications in healthcare.

Artificial intelligence can facilitate health tracking as well as the identification of results through image recognition. This is already being used to help doctors detect symptoms faster because intelligence can make connections from many observations faster than humans. Health chatbots are also under development.



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