Unraveling the links between Alzheimer's Disease and Diabetes

Unraveling the links between Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes


Unraveling the links between Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes   Alzheimer’s disease (or dementia) is a type of neurological disorder that occurs in the brain. With this disease, the brain shrinks and the brain cells die. This results in a decline in thinking, behavior, and social skills, thereby affecting the ability to function independently. The disease… Continue reading Unraveling the links between Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes

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Machine Learning for Sustainable Agriculture

Machine Learning for Sustainable Agriculture


Machine Learning for Sustainable Agriculture For effective agricultural production, one important field of study to concentrate on is agriculture 4.0 (A4.0). A number of novel computational techniques have been developed for agricultural crop products. A few significant elements, though, were difficult to maintain and keep an eye on as quickly as they can now. Techniques… Continue reading Machine Learning for Sustainable Agriculture

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Quantum Dots - Emerging Perspectives and Applications

Quantum Dots – Emerging Perspectives and Applications


Quantum Dots – Emerging Perspectives and Applications Quantum Dots(QDs) are a class of material whose size ranges from 2-10 nanometres of synthetic crystals possessing zero-dimension, and these are able to display characteristic electronic and optical properties. This was first discovered by Russian scientist Alexey Ekimov in 1981.   Difference between QDs and bulk materials QDs… Continue reading Quantum Dots – Emerging Perspectives and Applications

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Quercetin – Active compound from onion skin

Quercetin – Active compound from onion skin


Quercetin Quercetin, derived from the Latin word “Quercetum” is a chemical compound found in many plants but cannot be synthesized by humans. When isolated from its plant source, the compound appears yellow in color and is insoluble in highly polar solvents like water. However, it can dissolve in ethanol and the most popular bioflavonoids that… Continue reading Quercetin – Active compound from onion skin

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Industry 4.0 in Automation

Industry 4.0 in Automation


Industry 4.0 in Automation In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Industry 4.0 has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the way industries operate and pushing the boundaries of automation. This fourth industrial revolution is characterized by the integration of smart technologies, data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into manufacturing processes, creating a more… Continue reading Industry 4.0 in Automation

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MEMS and Microfluidics for cancer diagnostics

MEMS and Microfluidics for cancer diagnostics


MEMS and Microfluidics for cancer diagnostics Cancer diagnostics have seen significant advancements in recent years, thanks to cutting-edge technologies like Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and microfluidics. These innovative tools have transformed the landscape of cancer detection, making it faster, more accurate, and less invasive. In this blog, we will explore how MEMS and microfluidics are changing… Continue reading MEMS and Microfluidics for cancer diagnostics

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From Orchard to Wardrobe: Transforming Fruit Waste into Fashion's Green Revolution

From Orchard to Wardrobe: Transforming Fruit Waste into Fashion’s Green Revolution


From Orchard to Wardrobe: Transforming Fruit Waste into Fashion’s Green Revolution In today’s world, sustainability is a paramount concern, as we grapple with the environmental challenges caused by the fashion industry. Fast fashion and the extensive use of non-biodegradable materials have taken a toll on our planet. However, there’s a glimmer of hope on the… Continue reading From Orchard to Wardrobe: Transforming Fruit Waste into Fashion’s Green Revolution

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Superconductors: An essential road to fly

Superconductors: An essential road to fly


Superconductors: An essential road to fly Superconductors are fascinating materials that losses their electrical resistance completely at a very low temperature close to absolute zero or 0 Kelvin. For instance, under normal circumstances, materials may lose energy due to their electrical conduction, and hence our mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic devices heat up when… Continue reading Superconductors: An essential road to fly

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A glimpse into the World of Blockchain

A glimpse into the World of Blockchain


A glimpse into the World of Blockchain The evolution of blockchain technology started with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, where blockchain was used to record transactions on a public ledger. This technology allows all transactions to be transparent and immutable, preventing fraud and double-spending, without the need for a centralized authority. The digital age… Continue reading A glimpse into the World of Blockchain

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AI Impact on Software Development Jobs

AI Impact on Software Development Jobs


AI Impact on Software Development Jobs Are you curious about how Artificial Intelligence(AI) is shaping the world of Software Development jobs? Here’s a fact: Generative AI is set to automate 60-70% percent of coding tasks. This article will provide valuable insights into how AI can revamp your role as a software developer, from automating routine… Continue reading AI Impact on Software Development Jobs

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