
Lt. Dr. Malathi, an Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, embarked on her journey with the National Cadet Corps (NCC) in February 2021.

As the caretaker of the 5 TN Girls Battalion, she underwent a rigorous pre-commission training course at the Officer Training Academy (OTA) in Gwalior from February 10th, 2021, to May 10th, 2021.The program tested her physical and mental resilience. It included physical training, yoga, drill, adventure activities, military training, weapon handling, firing, map reading, and social awareness subjects – all designed to equip her to effectively train NCC cadets.Phd holder Dr. Malathi completed her Doctorate in Bharathiyar University in 2010. She has presented many papers in journals and conferences till date and it’s a deep dive into all of it, the papers speak. She was awarded DST-Fast Track.

Young Scientist and also got a membership in CSIR-Senior Research Organization. By the course's end, Lt. Dr. Malathi was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the NCC. Driven by her dedication and a desire to serve, she began her NCC career as an Associate NCC Officer at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology.Lt. Dr. Malathi's commitment to the NCC is evident in her numerous achievements. Her unwavering hard work and dedication were recognized in 2022 when she was awarded the prestigious Best ANO Award.This recognition exemplifies the spirit of perseverance Lt. Dr. Malathi embodies. Just like a diamond forged under pressure, she has used every obstacle as an opportunity to grow stronger and more effective in her role.Her contributions to the NCC go beyond personal accolades. Lt. Dr. Malathi has spearheaded the organization of two successful Combined Annual Training Camps (CATC) at her institution – one from June 27th to July 6th, 2022, and the other from July 26th, 2023, to June 25th, 2023.Lt. Dr. Malathi's selfless service to the NCC has undoubtedly inspired countless young minds to embrace a path of discipline, leadership, and social responsibility. Her dedication continues to shape the future of the NCC cadets under her wing.