Revolutionizing Cancer Diagnostics: Exploring the Role of MEMS and Microfluidics

Revolutionizing Cancer Diagnostics: Exploring the Role of MEMS and Microfluidics


Revolutionizing Cancer Diagnostics: Exploring the Role of MEMS and Microfluidics Cancer diagnostics represent a critical frontier in modern medicine, with early detection being instrumental in improving patient outcomes and survival rates. Traditional diagnostic approaches often entail invasive procedures and time-consuming laboratory tests, posing challenges in terms of accessibility, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. In recent years, the… Continue reading Revolutionizing Cancer Diagnostics: Exploring the Role of MEMS and Microfluidics

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Cancer Killing Nanoparticles

Cancer Killing Nanoparticles


Cancer Killing Nanoparticles Cancer killing nanoparticles are a promising frontier in cancer treatment. These microscopic particles, thousands of times smaller than a width of a human hair, hold immense potential. Researchers are developing them to target cancer cells specifically. Once delivered, nanoparticles can kill cancer cells in various ways, including delivering potent drugs directly, generating… Continue reading Cancer Killing Nanoparticles

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Cancer-Killing Nanoparticles: An Innovative Method to Identify And Eliminate Cancer Cells


Cancer-Killing Nanoparticles: An Innovative Method to Identify and Eliminate Cancer Cells   First of all, Cancer is a powerful foe in the field of human health that poses ongoing challenges to the medical community due to its complexity and diversity. An innovative line of inquiry has surfaced in recent years, demonstrating the potential of nanoparticles… Continue reading Cancer-Killing Nanoparticles: An Innovative Method to Identify And Eliminate Cancer Cells

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Quercetin – Active compound from onion skin

Quercetin – Active compound from onion skin


Quercetin Quercetin, derived from the Latin word “Quercetum” is a chemical compound found in many plants but cannot be synthesized by humans. When isolated from its plant source, the compound appears yellow in color and is insoluble in highly polar solvents like water. However, it can dissolve in ethanol and the most popular bioflavonoids that… Continue reading Quercetin – Active compound from onion skin

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