Goal of Chandrayaan 3


Goal of Chandrayaan 3 The goal of Chandrayaan 3 is to platform the capability of landing and operating on the Moon, similar to the previous mission. The lander and rover are equipped with various scientific instruments, including a Langmuir probe to measure changes in plasma density near the lunar surface, a seismometer, and a laser… Continue reading Goal of Chandrayaan 3

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Chandrayaan-3 vs NASA’s Tech and Math Secrets


Chandrayaan-3 India is racing to the moon, this expedition is for lunar water resources, and also a competition with other international agencies such as NASA. All international agencies for space research aim to understand our heavenly neighbour better, undo its secrets, and utilize its potential for the future of humankind. Chandrayaan-3 and NASA’s Artemis program… Continue reading Chandrayaan-3 vs NASA’s Tech and Math Secrets

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